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Friday Mubarak Resmi Meluncur. Kolaborasi Aprindo dan Pemerintah Untuk Kenaikan Omset Ritel
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Jakarta, 28 Februari 2025 – Asosiasi Pengusaha Ritel Indonesia (Aprindo) secara resmi meluncurkan program Friday Mubarak, sebuah inisiatif besar untuk mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi sektor ritel modern, untuk meningkatkan daya beli masyarakat, serta memastikan stabilitas harga bahan pokok menjelang dan selama bulan Ramadan.
Program ini ditargetkan mampu mencatatkan omset hingga Rp 2,5 triliun per hari, dengan total transaksi diproyeksikan mencapai Rp...
Jakarta, 27 Februari 2025 – Hitungan mundur menuju Friday Mubarak - Hybrid Launching telah dimulai! Acara spesial ini akan digelar besok, 28 Februari 2025, di Hypermart Puri Indah, Jakarta, serta disiarkan secara langsung ke berbagai kota di Indonesia.
Acara ini akan menghadirkan Bapak Dr. (HC) Ir. Airlangga Hartarto, MBA, MMT, selaku Menteri Koordinator Bidang Perekonomian Republik Indonesia, sebagai keynote speaker. Dengan...
Solihin Outlines Vision for Aprindo as New Chairman: Fostering Collaboration and Digital Transformation in the Retail Sector
Admin Aprindo - 0
Tangerang – The Chairman of the Indonesian Retail Merchants Association (Aprindo), Solihin, has articulated Aprindo's vision to become an inclusive, progressive, and highly competitive organization in facing global economic challenges. One of the key strategies is to encourage both modern and traditional retail sectors to adapt to digital transformation.
"We will further strengthen member collaboration and build solidarity among members...
Resmi Jadi Ketua Umum, Solihin Janjikan Transformasi Aprindo Lebih Progresif
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Tangerang - Ketua Umum Asosiasi Pengusaha Ritel Indonesia (Aprindo), Solihin, mengemukakan visi Aprindo untuk menjadi organisasi yang inklusif, progresif, dan berdaya saing tinggi dalam menghadapi tantangan ekonomi global. Salahsatunya, adalah dengan mendorong ritel modern dan tradisional untuk beradaptasi dengan transformasi digital.
“Kita bahkan akan memperkuat kolaborasi anggota dan membangun solidaritas di antara anggota untuk mendorong inovasi dan daya saing industri...
NRF 2024: Retail’s Big Show Asia Pacific Concludes with Stellar Attendance and Industry Participation
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The spectacular three-day event attracted over 7,000 registrants from over 40 countries across Asia Pacific and the globe, in addition to participation from 238 exhibitors
SINGAPORE, June 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The inaugural NRF 2024: Retail’s Big Show Asia Pacific, organised by the National Retail Federation (NRF) in the U.S. and global event organiser Comexposium, successfully wrapped up with stellar...
NRF 2024: Retail’s Big Show Asia Pacific Jadi Salah Satu Ajang Unggulan yang Digelar di Singapura
Admin Aprindo - 0
Edisi Asia Pasifik dari ajang Retail's Big Show asal New York City untuk pertama kalinya akan digelar di Singapura guna mentransformasi pengalaman konsumen pada era ritel baru
SINGAPURA, 21 Maret 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- National Retail Federation (NRF) dari Amerika Serikat (AS) dan penyelenggara ajang global Comexposium untuk pertama kalinya menggelar NRF 2024: Retail's Big Show Asia Pacific, salah satu konferensi dan...
NRF APAC 2024 Agenda released!
Check out our exciting line up of keynotes, panel sessions, and fireside chats and more now!
Over 3 days, gather valuable insights from major brands like UNIQLO, The Coca-Cola Company, Mastercard and many other key players in the industry. With sessions that dive into the most important retail topics, NRF APAC 2024 Conference promises a valuable experience for every attendee.
World Retail Congress returns in 2024 with over 800 retail leaders coming together to learn, network and develop strategies for the year ahead and beyond.
WRC this year, in 2024 is hosted in Paris, a global centre of extraordinary retail and a prime location in this exciting year. Our theme, High Performance Retail, focuses on the traits needed to be truly world-class in...
Dive into the future of retail with the World Retail Congress's End of Year Report! Explore the latest trends, innovations, and insights shaping the competitive retail landscape, presented in collaboration with the Congress’s Knowledge Partners. The Congress’s report is a must-read for retailers to become world class in today’s retail climate.
The End of Year Report reinforces the focus of...
Since 2007, World Retail Congress has been the premier platform for in-depth research, content and events; driving retail growth and inspiring valuable global connections.
The Congress unites leaders from across the global industry for innovative, groundbreaking strategy and insights to drive success. It’s the unrivalled high-level forum for senior retailers to learn, share insights, form powerful connections and play a...